Crystal Bettelon

Crystal Bettelon

Assistant Property Manager

Crystal has joined our team as an Assistant Property Manager focused on the south end.   She has spent the last 20 years in hospitality  but now with 1 kid off to college and another finished Highschool, she was ready to expand her customer service skills and has found the perfect place to help others, assist and be a positive force for her client and our company.   Born and Raised in the area and she is longtime home owner in Federal Way. When she isn’t working, she loves cooking, taking care of exotic plants, golfing and cheering on the Seahawks – where she has worked part time as a Bar tender for over 16 years.  She has  a delightful personality and is really bright  and every year try’s out to be on Jeopardy where one day she will be the best contestant they have ever had!

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